Good morning my pie peeps!!(:
So has anybody tried our new pie yet? If you did tell us what you think by clicking the comment box below my blog.
Kemmy's Kitchen has finally gone from working 3 days a week to working 5 days a week. I mean, wow I'm gone for a month and come back to see the kitchen running all the time. Have you noticed all of the new stores selling Kemmy's Pies? They have nearly stopped catering completely, with only a few parties here and there for the customers they have already served in the past. I think my mom and sisters have finally come to the realization that there just isn't enough time in the week to do everything! So, its just Kemmy's Pies available for now.
Summer is very interesting here in Willits, CA. Somedays its overcast, and others its 78 degrees, or 98 degrees. Mornings here are pretty cold normally around 52 degrees. Freaky right? But when it is hot we go to the river or go paddle boarding, in Fort Bragg! I mean who wears Uggs, Sweatshirt, and jeans, in the end of July?
Me and Amy are going to Exeter this weekend to deliver pies and visit my grandparents. Just another adventure in our amazing non-boring life!
Last weekend when we were in Fort Bragg, my Mom was walking around the beach and well she came across these people that were far away from their car because their boat had capsized. So my Mom offered to take them to their motel. Anyways, long story short one of the ladies ended up being the most sought after divorce-lawyer in Beverly Hills, and had just finished the 35 hour case with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes! If that isn’t cool than I don’t what is!!Haha
Short blog today hope you like it!!
“May all your crusts be round.”
xoxo Natalie*