Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I'm Back!

Hello my pie peeps!

So much has happen in past few weeks and much more to come; The French Connection took place and is now over, the Flipside and Wineluv event is coming up on August 1st, and many other events also.

The French Cultural exchange program has been taking place with Mendocino Ballet for ten years. Two years ago, I at eleven years old, traveled to France along with my fellow dancers to experience an amazing opportunity. This year, the French came to America. Camille, (who I have probably told you about before) came to the USA and stayed with me for two weeks. It was a truly an unforgettable experience that will hold memories in my heart forever. The French Connection was a Classical and Contemporary Ballet, Modern Dance and Jazz Performance. We performed dances choreographed by the French, dances we choreographed, along with some classical pieces. If you didn't have a chance to see it, you truly missed something! Saturday, our little adventure with them ended and they went home. It was a bittersweet day for everyone. But now they are home, and I can't wait for the next opportunity we have to see our beautiful and talented friends from France!
Every one enjoyed our performance and if you would like to see some of the dances there are videos on http://www.youtube.com/user/Darroman?feature=csp-in-feed
                   French and American dancers at the beach!
           French and American dancers at the Montgomery Woods!

Take a sip into the past in the historic vaults below The Old Mint. The building was constructed in 1874, and this San Francisco Landmark will open for a night of wine tasting, music, food, and SF history. At its peak, the vaults of this grand building safe-guarded over 1/3 of our nations wealth in gold reserves. During this evening, they will open the doors to host many unique Bay Area wineries and a multimedia look at the Old Mint's history. Kemmy's Pies will be sampling new delicious pies, and tasting wines from all over our area. Hope to see some of you! This event will not be something to miss!

You may purchase tickets at www.flipsidewine.eventbrite.com Enter wineryspecial  for 40% off any ticket for as long as they last.

"May all your crusts be round!"

xoxo Natalie*

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