Monday, September 23, 2013

Pumpkin Fest Time

                Dig in!!            

 Our official quality control expert hard at
  work to make sure our pies are the best!

Hello Pie Enthusiasts:

I would like to introduce myself. I am Crystal and I have been newly inducted into the Kemmy's Pies family and no, I am not a baker by any means. Thank goodness that baking skill is not a prerequisite, but I will serve as a strong verbal advocate for these amazing, delicious, and heart filled creations. I am excited to announce that Kemmy's is introducing the Kemmy's Pie Club. If you are as in love with these pies as I am, you will not want to miss the chance to give extra support to the pie makers and receive exclusive tasting and event opportunities. For a yearly fee you will get a discount on all pie purchases, free samples of any new pies or featured pies and updates on Kemmy's Pies events.  Drop by Kemmy's Pies and ask, or call us during business hours if you have any questions.  We will be at the Pumpkin Fest in Ukiah on October 19th-20th 10 AM- 5PM. Mini Pies will be going for $5 dollars each. Get 'em while they're hot!!! Come out and support our local community with your family and loved ones. 

Check out the Pumpkin Fest link : Here.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mystery Wine Night

Hello all of my pie friends! A lot is going on in our wonderful magical kitchen! We have been soo busy here lately. We went to a food show put on by our distributor Dawn. It was actually pretty fun. The Kemmy's crew entered a cupcake-decorating contest. We didn't win, but hey it was fun!


Next on our busy list is the Mystery Wine Night at Fort Mason, in San Francisco. Heres a link if any of you are interested in in going. Tickets are 50% off.  This is going to be a really special event. I know I want to be apart of all the fun, and so should you!!! I mean come on...WINE, SAN FRANCISCO, and it is all a MYSTERY!!!! Seeing as there will be over 100 different wines being sampled, plus Kemmy's Raspberry Cordial pie and other specialty food purveyors, nothing should stop you from coming out tonight. The event starts at 6:00 and ends at 9:00. If that's not enough time to try all 100 of those wines, then we have a problem.

I think I got all of the important info that all of you PIE/WINE lovers needed. Well don't forget Mystery Wine Night. We would love to see you!!

Till Next Time,

Kate Moss